The beginning
In 2019, the three founders join forces to offer a platform for calculating and comparing different charging prices in Europe. was launched in the DACH region and 10,000 electric vehicle drivers use it every month.
March 2020, Chargeprice was founded. New markets were added: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland. A first user feedback tool has been set up to allow drivers to send us live information.The first application was launched on Android. The number of monthly users doubled to 20K.
2021: The Chargeprice team integrated new countries: Spain and the United Kingdom. To manage all the data on a European scale, new internal tools were developed. A first market analysis tool for mobility professionals "the Data platform" was launched. It allows B2B players to carry out analyses of recharging prices in all European countries. Chargeprice had a multi-source system for its database.The IOS application was launched and the monthly number of users on all platforms reached 50k.